§ 7.3-2. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the meanings assigned herein:
Advanced life support or ALS means assessment or treatment by a person qualified under Chapter 401, Florida Statutes, through the use of techniques such as endotracheal intubation, the administration of drugs or intravenous fluids, telemetry, cardiac monitoring, cardiac defibrillation, and other techniques described in the EMT-Paramedic National Standard Curriculum or the National EMS Education Standards, pursuant to rules of the Florida Department of Health.
Advanced life support service means any emergency medical transport or nontransport service which uses advanced life support techniques.
Air medical transport means any privately or publicly owned service based in Clay County that engages in the business of providing aircraft transportation for patients requiring basic or advanced life support.
Ambulance or emergency medical services vehicle means any privately or publicly owned land or water vehicle that is designed, constructed, reconstructed, maintained, equipped, or operated for, and is used for, or intended to be used for, land or water transportation of sick or injured persons requiring or likely to require medical attention during transport.
Basic life support or BLS means assessment or treatment by a person qualified under Chapter 401, Florida Statutes through the use of techniques described in the EMT-Basic National Standard Curriculum or the National EMS Education Standards of the United States Department of Transportation and approved by the Florida Department of Health. The term includes the administration of oxygen and other techniques that have been approved and are performed under conditions specified by rules of the Florida Department of Health.
Basic life support service means any emergency medical transport or nontransport service which uses only basic life support techniques.
Board means the county's board of county commissioners.
Certificate or COPCN means a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the board.
Certificate holder means any person, firm, corporation, association or governmental entity that has been issued a certificate by the board.
County means the incorporated and unincorporated areas within the territorial limits of Clay County, Florida.
Deficiency correction notice means a notice issued by the fire chief of Clay County Fire Rescue, notifying a certificate holder of any infraction with the infraction specified, the remedial action required, and a specified time period allowed for correction.
Emergency medical call means any request for medical assistance.
Emergency medical services or EMS means the transportation and/or emergency treatment of persons who are in need of emergency medical attention upon any of the county streets or roads under either ALS or BLS licenses issued or applied for pursuant to Chapter 401, Florida Statutes.
Emergency medical services provider means any entity licensed in the state of Florida to provide air, or ground ambulance, whether basic life support (BLS) or advanced life support (ALS), and whether a non-transportation or a transportation service.
Emergency Medical Technician or EMT means a person who is certified by the Florida Department of Health to perform basic life support pursuant to Chapter 401, Florida Statutes.
Facility means a facility licensed pursuant to Chapter 393, 395 or 400, Florida Statutes.
Fire chief means the Fire Chief of Clay County Fire Rescue or his designee.
Inspection means the routine or periodic examination and audit of the business records, personnel, ambulances, and staffing of the certificate holder.
Interfacility transfer or transport means the transportation of a patient by a medical transportation service as may be provided by Florida Statutes, Florida Administrative Code and standards, and rules and regulations promulgated by the board.
Interfacility medical transport or transport service means the ALS or BLS transportation of a patient by ambulance between two (2) facilities, or from the facility to the patient's home, or from the patient's home to the facility. It does not include the transportation of patients who have accessed the 911 emergency system to summon an emergency response by the class A certificate holder.
Medical director means the licensed physician under contract with a certificate holder, pursuant to Section 401.265, Florida Statutes, who provides medical supervision to and established medical protocols, including appropriate quality assurance (not including administrative and managerial functions) for daily operations and training for emergency medical services personnel including paramedics and emergency medical technicians.
Municipality means any municipal corporation within the boundaries of the county.
Non-transport provider means any privately owned, publicly or municipality owned ALS or BLS service providing first response treatment and therapy for the intent of stabilizing a patient's condition on an emergency scene, but not intended to provide transport service.
Paramedic means a person who is certified by the Florida Department of Health to perform basic and advanced life support pursuant to Chapter 401, Florida Statutes.
Patient means any person where subjective and/or objective signs and/or symptoms or a complaint results in evaluation and/or treatment and/or who may need emergency medical transportation.
Patient care record means the record used by each certificate holder to document patient care, treatment and transport activities that at a minimum includes the information required under Chapter 401, Florida Statutes and the Florida Administrative Code.
Rescue unit means an advanced life support transport unit operated by Clay County Fire Rescue and/or a municipal based fire and rescue service, for responding to any medical call and which may or may not be equipped with fire suppression equipment or capability.
Service area means the geographical area listed on a certificate holder's certificate.
Standing committee means the committee designated by the board to which fire rescue business is assigned.
State means the State of Florida.
Total response time means the total elapsed time from initial call reported or notification to arrival at the scene by the rescue unit/or ambulance vehicle.
Transfer or transport means air, land or water vehicle transportation, by vehicles not exempted under Section 401.33, Florida Statutes, of sick or injured persons requiring or likely to require medical attention during such transportation.
(Ord. No. 99-25, § 2, 5-25-99; Ord. No. 07-14, § 1(Exh. A), 3-13-07; Ord. No. 2018-23, § 1, 5-22-18)