§ 7.3-18. Use of lights and sirens during operations.
The purpose of this section is to reduce the risk of accident or injury which occurs when fire and rescue units and ambulances respond with speed using lights and sirens (a code 3 response) when the nature of the medical or trauma call does not warrant such response for patient safety and care. This section is not intended to delay care or other services in the event of true emergencies. For the majority of responses, there is little difference in total response time between code 1 (normal driving, no lights/sirens) and code 3 (speed, lights/sirens). For nonemergency requests for assistance, the hazard to the public and certificate holder personnel created by a code 3 response, considering the nonemergency nature of the medical or trauma call, does not justify the use of the code 3 response. This section does not apply to Clay County Fire Rescue and municipalities holding certificates.
It is the intention of Clay County Fire Rescue, as the class A Certificate holder in the county, to respond to all emergency medical calls generated in the county. At times, however, Clay County Fire Rescue may need to request the assistance of other certificate holders in emergency situations. In order to reduce the risk of accident or injury in the county stemming from a response, Clay County Fire Rescue Communications shall direct the response code and if necessary the need to stage.
The situation may arise where a patient's status requires a change to a code 3 response by a B, C, or D certificate holder. In this circumstance, the ambulance shall so respond but must advise Clay County Fire Rescue of the ambulance designation, patient's status, whether additional assistance is needed and its location, route and destination.
Code 1 must be utilized on all patient transports unless a delayed transport will be detrimental to the patient's condition. In these cases the notification process in paragraph (c) above must be followed.
Not all types of incidents or specifics can be detailed in this section. When the situation is outside the above guidelines personnel must use their discretion by comparing the risk of injury to the public, property and personnel versus the gain of speed with a code 3 response.
(Ord. No. 99-25, App. 1, 5-25-99; Ord. No. 07-14, § 1(Exh. A), 3-13-07; Ord. No. 2018-23, § 1, 5-22-18)