§ 4-17. Definitions.
For the purpose of this article, the following words and terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed:
Adequate shelter means an enclosure of at least three (3) sides and a roof, and which is structurally sound, maintained in good repair, is water and wind resistant, if free of standing water, provides some shade from the direct rays of the sun, and assures adequate ventilation and light.
Animal means any animal as defined in Section 828.02, Florida Statutes, wild or domestic.
Animal at large means any animal, other than a cat, which is not under control, custody, charge or possession of the owner or their responsible person, by leash, chain, effective voice command, secure fence or other means of confinement or restraint.
Animal services officer means any assistant to the division director who has been so designated.
Board means the board of county commissioners of Clay County.
Bona fide rescue organization means any nonprofit organization that rescues animals as part of its official mission and that has filed a 501(c)(3) nonprofit certificate with the Clay County Division of Animal Services.
Collar or tag means identification collar and rabies tag.
Dangerous dog shall mean any dog demonstrating the behavior as described in Section 767.11(1), Florida Statutes.
Department head means the department of environmental services head authorized by this article.
Division director means the division of animal of services director authorized by this article.
Effective voice command means a voice control by a competent person which at all times prevents the animal subject to the voice control from running at large or otherwise violating the provisions of this article.
Neutered or spayed means rendered permanently incapable of reproduction by surgical alteration, implantation of a device or other physical means, or permanently incapable of reproduction because of physiological sterility, but only where such neutered or spayed condition has been certified by a veterinarian licensed in any state.
Nuisance means any animal conduct or behavior, including but not limited to habitual or repeated destruction, desecration or soiling of any public or private property, habitual chasing of persons, cars, other vehicles or running at large that causes a disturbance to the peace or causes injury or threat of injury to persons or property.
Owner or keeper means any person, household, firm, corporation, or other organization possessing, harboring, or having control or custody of an animal. A person must be age eighteen (18) or older to be considered the legal owner of an animal. If a person under the age of eighteen (18) is considered the custodian or caretaker of the animal, the parents or legal guardians shall be considered the legal owner of the animal and responsible for all matters involving that animal. There shall be a rebuttable presumption that the person's name appearing on the animal's registration or radio frequency identification device (RFID), commonly known as a "microchip," is the owner.
Stray means any animal that is found to be at large, whether lost by its owner or otherwise or feral, or that is on the public or private streets, common areas of apartments, condominiums, trailer parks or other multi-residential premises, and that does not have an identification tag and for which there is no identifiable owner.
(Ord. No. 86-47, § 3, 9-9-86; Ord. No. 2001-66, § 1, 12-11-01; Ord. No. 08-10, § 1, 2-26-08; Ord. No. 2018-22, § 1, 5-8-18)