§ 2.3-26. Worker records.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Each adult entertainment establishment and sexually oriented business, regardless of whether it is licensed under this chapter, shall create, establish and maintain a record of all workers of the establishment or business. The record shall contain the worker's full legal name and any aliases and all past or current aliases of the worker; his or her date of birth; his or her residential address; his or her residential telephone number, if any; his or her pager or cell phone numbers and other similar numbers, if any; his or her driver's license number and a photocopy of the license; his or her state or federally issued identification card number including the worker's social security number; the employment status of the worker including, but not limited to, whether the worker is a salaried employee, an independent contractor, a lessee, a sub-lessee, a subcontractor allowed to work at the establishment, or such other arrangement as may prevail; whether income taxes are withheld for the worker; and a recent passport-type photograph of the worker as of the date of association with the establishment which accurately reflects the date on which the photograph was taken. Said records shall be maintained for a period of no less than two (2) years from the date the worker is separated from employment.


    The original records required under subsection (a), or true and exact photocopies thereof, shall be kept at the adult entertainment establishment or sexually oriented business at all times including clear photographs.


    All operators of an adult entertainment establishment or sexually oriented business shall be responsible for knowing the location of the original records required under subsection (a), or the true and exact photocopies thereof.


    All operators of an adult entertainment establishment or sexually oriented business shall, upon request by a law enforcement officer or the county manager or designee, make available for immediate inspection the original records required under subsection (a), or the true and exact photocopies thereof at any time when the establishment or business is open for business.

(Ord. No. 2015-8, § 1, 3-24-15)