Clay County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 18-270. Definitions.
For purposes of this article, the word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory. As used in this article, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
Accessory building shall mean a building that is clearly incidental or subordinate to and customarily utilized adjacent to and in connection with a principal building located on the same property.
Address shall mean a geographic location identifier consisting of a number, street name, and street designator, and, in the case of multitenant structures, an optional secondary number or letter.
Addressing coordinator shall mean the person designated by the county manager to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the addressing coordinator as set forth in this article.
Address master maps shall mean the master set of maps adopted under section 18-273 which, in conjunction with approved plats and site plans, details the existing street name and numbering scheme.
Board shall mean the board of county commissioners of the county.
Building front shall mean the main egress (e.g., entrance or access) of a principal building on which address numbers properly posted would be visible from a public or private street to which the building is numbered. For a building constructed on a corner lot, the building front shall mean that side or elevation of the building that features or includes the main public egress. By way of example, if a building is on the corner of street "A" and street "B", and architecturally appears to be fronting street "A", but the side of the building featuring or including the primary public entrance or access faces street "B", then the latter shall be deemed to be the building front. The building front for addressing purposes will be determined by the addressing coordinator, who may seek the advice and comments of various public safety agencies.
County shall mean Clay County, Florida.
E 9-1-1 office shall mean the office designated by the county manager to design and manage an emergency response system which promotes the expeditious response of police, fire, medical, and other services through the E 9-1-1 system.
Egress shall mean and refer, in a technical sense, to both egress and ingress as defined in the Florida Standard Fire Prevention Code. In a more general sense, ingress shall mean and refer to the act of entering a building, or to the location and facilities of a building designed and intended for entry into the same, and egress shall mean and refer to the act of exiting a building, or to the location and facilities of a building designed and intended for exiting the same.
Grid system guide shall mean a series of designated north/south parallel lines intersecting a second set of east/west parallel lines, as indicated on the official master grid maps, currently delineated on a map of the county.
Nonconformance shall mean any failure to comply with the provisions of this article including by way of example, but not limited to, an address or unit or suite number out of sequence; an odd or even number on the wrong side of a street; rural box numbers; numbers improperly affixed; illegible, unclear, obstructed, not visible, or unapproved numbers; unapproved street signs; street names that are duplicates or sound alike; street designators that do not properly describe the roadway as built; and subdivisions, apartments, shopping centers, mobile home parks, condominiums, warehouses, commercial office buildings, single family residences, duplexes, or other communities of buildings whose names are similar to existing names.
Occupant shall mean any person, firm, entity, partnership, trust, corporation, association, or other organization that is occupying or leasing a structure or other property.
Owner shall mean any and all persons, firms, entities, partnerships, trusts, corporations, associations, or other organizations, which own the fee simple title to, or have an undivided interest in, any building or property which is subject to the provisions of this article.
Principal building shall mean a structure which is designed, built or used for the support, enclosure, shelter, or protection of persons, animals, chattels or property of any kind for any residential, commercial, or industrial purpose, but does not include any accessory building.
Private way shall mean any street, road, avenue, drive, cul-de-sac or other roadway used for vehicular traffic and any easement that provides sole access to more than one (1) parcel or lot that is not a public way and that is not maintained by the county. This term shall include, but is not limited to, roadways and driveways in mobile home parks, apartments, condominiums, commercial or industrial complexes.
Projected street name and numbering scheme shall mean the street name and numbering scheme authorized through all approved site plans and plats, including amendments thereto, which contain projected street names and addresses although no construction or development has occurred on the projected street.
Public way shall mean any area of a right of way, either paved or unpaved, that has been dedicated to the county for use as a street for vehicular traffic, whether accepted or not by the county, excluding service entrances or driveways.
Street designator shall mean the suffix following the street name that describes the street function as follows:
A boulevard or parkway is a major divided thoroughfare in excess of five thousand (5,000) feet in length.
A drive is a winding main thoroughfare at least two thousand five hundred (2,500) feet in length that extends the length of a subdivision or complex and that continues beyond to intersect with other road rights-of-way.
A court, cove or point is a dead end street or cul-de-sac.
A place is a street with a cul-de-sac on each end, or a dead-end street with at least one (1) intersecting cul-de-sac.
A lane or a way is a street that connects one (1) street to another in a subdivision or complex.
A circle is a street that returns to itself.
A loop is a street that begins and ends at the same cross street, such as a semicircle.
A terrace is a street that loops back into itself without forming a full circle.
A trail or run is a street located in a rural area that typically dead ends and is at least one thousand two hundred (1,200) feet in length.
Street name shall mean a unique name that identifies a street exclusive of the street designator.
Uniform addressing system shall mean the system adopted under section 18-273 by which existing buildings, groups of buildings, units within buildings, and lots and parcels projected for future buildings are assigned addresses in a coordinated and uniform method based upon a designated numbering grid system contained in the official master grid maps and clear and concise street names as recorded in the address master maps and the E 9-1-1 master street address guide.
(Ord. No. 2004-57, § 1, 9-14-04)