§ 423. Planning requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (1)

    Within three (3) years after the effective date of this act, the board shall adopt a master plan which identifies current customers, projects, and future customers; profiles customers (residential, commercial, industrial); reviews and generally inventories all existing infrastructure and treatment facilities within the boundaries of the authority; identifies a capital improvement program for the authority; reviews all current permits and companies' existing regulations to projected regulations; identifies and evaluates potential acquisitions or service expansions; evaluates authority staffing; provides for detailed mapping of system facilities; provides for hydraulic analysis of system facilities, both existing and proposed; evaluates present and future sources of raw water and treatment requirements for those sources in terms of capacity, reliability and economy; provides for an analysis of all available wastewater alternatives, including surface water discharge, wetlands discharge, percolation facilities, spray irrigation and deep well injection; identifies reclaimed water storage alternatives and wet weather back-up alternatives; and identifies current and potential high volume users of reclaimed water. Thereafter, the board shall review and, if necessary, amend the master plan periodically, but not less often than every three (3) years.


    Treatment facility construction or expansion or line extension policies adopted by the authority shall be in furtherance of land development regulations adopted by the applicable local general purpose government or the applicable local government comprehensive plan.


    The construction or expansion of any portion of the authority's system, or major alterations which affect the quantity or quality of the level of service of the authority's system, which is undertaken or initiated by the authority, shall be consistent with the applicable local government comprehensive plan adopted pursuant to part II of chapter 163, Florida Statutes; provided, however, that no local government comprehensive plan shall require the authority to construct, expand, or perform a major alteration of any public facility which would result in the impairment of covenants and agreements relating to bonds validated or issued by the authority.


    When a local government has issued a development order which approves the construction of public facilities or has issued a development order pursuant to chapter 380, Florida Statutes, the local government shall not use the requirements of this section to limit or modify the rights of the authority to approve, construct, modify, operate, or maintain public facilities authorized by the development order.


    The authority shall take no action which is inconsistent with applicable comprehensive plans, land development ordinances, or regulations adopted by the Clay County Commission.


    The authority shall comply with the provisions of sections 189.415 and 189.4155, Florida Statutes.

(Ch. 94-491, § 24)