§ 27. Limited repeal; prospective effect.  

Latest version.
  • This Ordinance is intended to be prospective in effect. All existing cable Franchises in the County shall continue to be governed by Ordinances 83-69, 88-56 and 2002-33, as applicable, codified at Article II, Division 2 of the Clay County Code, until the earlier of the date of their expiration, execution of a renewal or modified franchise agreement pursuant to this Ordinance or a transfer of the franchise or control of the system. Ordinance 2002-33 is repealed and superseded by this Ordinance. All initial applications, applications for a renewal, modifications and transfers of existing cable Franchises shall be governed by this Ordinance which shall be codified at Article II, Division 3 of the Clay County Code, as the same may be amended from time to time. The terms of this Ordinance will be applicable to any Renewal Franchise entered into after the adoption of this Ordinance, including but not limited to a Renewal Franchise between the County and Comcast of Greater Florida/Georgia, Inc., or between the County and Time Warner Cable, or its lawful successor.

(Ord. No. 2006-6, 2-28-06)